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Dr. Kimberly Kent Receives Award for ‘Role Modelling Clinical Excellence’ from the University of Toronto Department of Family and Community Medicine

June 20, 2019

Dr. Kimberley Kent, a family physician at Credit Valley Family Health Team, received an award for ‘Role Modelling Clinical Excellence’ from the University of Toronto Department of Family and Community Medicine. The CVFHT sends their warmest congratulations to Dr. Kent!

“Dr. Kent always took the time to gather all necessary information about her patients, performed a thorough physical examination, and made decisions that were consistently evidence-based and patient-centred. She finds the time to connect with her patients, staff, and students, and demonstrates true dedication to her work. Never the tiniest bit jaded or cynical, and always empathic and a good listener –– her patients are lucky to have her as their doctor.”

-Department of Family and Community Medicine Faculty Awards